• Release your fear and insecurity
  • Connect with inspiration and purpose
  • Create the life you yearn for


  • Release your fear and insecurity
  • Connect with inspiration and purpose
  • Create the Life you yearn for

Our mind is our constant companion.

It is through our mind (and through it’s programming and beliefs) that we perceive and relate to the world around us. This alone makes mental mastery one of the most practical tools we have for transforming our experience of life.
But our mind is not only an instrument of perception. It is a powerful tool for creation
The difference between creating a world of disappointment and a world of wonder is held in what our conscious and unconscious mind is carrying. When we free our mind from old programs and beliefs that don’t serve us, we can become present to our truest self - and all the inspiration, purpose and joy it brings us!
But our mind is not only an instrument of perception. It is a powerful tool for creation! The difference between creating a world of disappointment and a world of wonder is held in what our conscious and unconscious mind is carrying. When we free our mind from old programs and beliefs that don’t serve us, we can become present to our truest self - and all the inspiration, purpose and joy it brings us!

Do you find yourself worrying on a regular basis?

For example about:
  • What other people think of you? 
  • Whether the good things in your life will last? 
  • Whether something will go unexpectedly wrong? 
  • Whether you’re enough?

In Yoga of the Mind, we learn not only the discipline, but also the techniques that support us to bring our minds back from worry. This sets us free to use our wonderful, powerful minds as instruments to create what we want to experience.

Do you ever find your mind is so busy thinking that you can’t sleep or relax?

It seems that in recent times, stress to most of humanity is like water to most fish! Instead of leaving us once a threat has passed, it surrounds us and prevents us from unwinding.

Luckily, the techniques taught in this seminar help us to unplug our mind from stress and overthinking. The mental relaxation we gain is beneficial to our health and nervous system, and strengthens our mental faculties, increasing our inspiration, creativity and solution-focused thinking for whatever we face in life.  

Do you crave a richer connection with your true self?

Do you feel a strong sense of who you are as a person and the gifts you have to bring? Do you feel a strong sense of being loved and part of the universe around you? Do you feel like you have an internal guidance system that is comforting and trustworthy? These are some of the boons of soul connection: clarity, self-love, confidence, purpose, and inner joy.

In this seminar, you will have many opportunities to experience connection with your own soul, and may begin to feel these gifts for yourself! 

Are you convinced you can’t meditate?

With our minds so used to constant stimulus and distraction, the idea of meditation can be completely daunting. ‘All that time just by myself in silence?!?’ we mentally cry. But there are types of meditation that embrace that craving for mental activity. These styles cleverly use the mind to transform itself!

In Yoga of the Mind, we try many forms of meditation, suitable to many kinds of minds. You can find a style that works for you, and begin to attain all the benefits of enhanced clarity, focus, inspiration, happiness and connection - exactly as you are.

In this seminar, you will:

Learn the creative power of the mind
Learn how to relax the mind when it wants to think a million thoughts a minute.
Learn about and experience soul light technology through which you can powerfully transform your mind, clear it of old thoughts, beliefs and programs you no longer wish to live by, and instead cultivate new paradigms that serve, empower and uplift you.
Experience different meditation styles that make it easier to let go of stress, relax and reconnect with yourself. (This may not be meditation like you’ve experienced before - we use a whole range of different techniques where instead of just asking the mind to be quiet, we use the mind to transform and relax itself. You don’t have to be ‘good at meditation’ just willing to try something different.)
Learn about the soul and its incredible gifts of inspiration, purpose, love, joy, empowerment and confidence. These gifts are available to us all the time: just as soon as we get our over-thinking minds relaxed enough to receive them! When we quiet the mind, it begins to work for and with the soul, bringing our highest truth and inspiration into our lived reality where we can enjoy it. 
In this seminar, you will:
Learn the creative power of the mind
Learn how to relax the mind when it wants to think a million thoughts a minute.
Learn about and experience soul light technology through which you can powerfully transform your mind, clear it of old thoughts, beliefs and programs you no longer wish to live by, and instead cultivate new paradigms that serve, empower and uplift you.
Experience different meditation styles that make it easier to let go of stress, relax and reconnect with yourself. (This may not be meditation like you’ve experienced before - we use a whole range of different techniques where instead of just asking the mind to be quiet, we use the mind to transform and relax itself. You don’t have to be ‘good at meditation’ just willing to try something different.)
Learn about the soul and its incredible gifts of inspiration, purpose, love, joy, empowerment and confidence. These gifts are available to us all the time: just as soon as we get our over-thinking minds relaxed enough to receive them! When we quiet the mind, it begins to work for and with the soul, bringing our highest truth and inspiration into our lived reality where we can enjoy it. 

Yoga of the Mind

With our souls and minds in partnership, we become creators in our lives, rather than passengers. Not only that, but we begin to create from wholeness, truth and joy, rather than from pain. Situations, relationships and opportunities palpably transform around us as we transform into our true self.

You’ll be surprised how good you can feel.

About Gayatri

Gayatri's background is in positive and transpersonal psychology, spirituality, and personal development. For ten years, she has been designing and facilitating adult education seminars on the subjects of mindset, emotional empowerment, relationships, purpose, and the science of human flourishing.

Gayatri's passion is helping people cultivate wellbeing of the heart, mind and soul. As a coach, therapist and facilitator, Gayatri empowers her clients and students to live the most authentic, meaningful, successful and joyful life possible.

Gayati is currently undertaking a PhD on the psychology of unconditional love at Leeds Beckett University, where she guest lectures on Consciousness Studies.

Course Contribution

The tuition for this 5 week, 6 session program is $360 AUD inc GST.
Payment plan available, 3 monthly payments of $123.60 AUD. Includes a fee to cover additional administrative costs.

Resit and Concession Price

A concessional rate of $179.99 AUD is available for holders of a current concession card.
Payment plan available, 2 monthly payments of $95.39 AUD. Includes a fee to cover additional administrative costs.

Expressions of Interest
for Yoga of the Mind
Sign up below to be the first to hear when our next session of Yoga of the Mind will take place. Most of the TCC courses run periodically, but if popular demand requests a repeat course be held, we are always happy to oblige! 